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2024-02-16 04:12:21

3-person #Gaslands with a budget.
Me with ram, turreted machine gun, loose grenades (orange car). PJ got a car & motorcycle. Eric with two motorcycles and a turreted dune buggy.
Out of the gate he made a measuring error and killed one of his two motorcycles on the side of my car.
Chain reaction of collisions, explosions, gunfire behind my car, with only one of each of their moto…

An orange Matchbox car, with a ram prow and machine guns, flanked by a motorcycle and blue car on one side, two motorcycles and dune buggy on the other. They are all lined up at a starting gate of wood posts and 50 gallon drums. Everything is 3D printed in resin and painted quite well.
The orange car sits about four car lengths from the starting gate, pointed fully to the left. Between it and the starting line, one motorcycle is gone, another is being clipped by the dune buggy, the car is turning into the dune buggy, and the last motorcycle is just starting to move.
The orange car is almost at the second-last gate in this circular track, the two motorcycles just at the third gate. Not visible, because this is a game, is the turreted machine gun from the orange car continually failing to hit either motorcycle.
Back at the starting, now finishing, gate, the orange car has just come through and is now perched on a concrete barrier. The other car and dune buggy are almost at the first gate. If the playing surface and cars were real you would see lots of tire tracks representing collisions, reverses, spins, and also some shrapnel from explosions. Bit of a mess they left.
2024-02-06 11:00:01

If you set limits for a scale (e.g. x-axis) in ggplot, how would you like data outside of that range be handled? There is the oob parameter for that and a set of functions to use with it:
2024-03-09 18:50:13

Scary photos from the Delaware Highlands Conservancy Van Scott Nature Reserve.

Across from the entrance to the nature reserve, a TRUMP 2024 FUCK YOUR FEELINGS flag hanging on a fence.
An unusual No Trespassing sign with a photo of a man in a white hat a white moustache holding a rifle that says:
some small print that begins with "This property is legally posted ...."
At the bottom.
2024-03-09 18:50:13

Scary photos from the Delaware Highlands Conservancy Van Scott Nature Reserve.

Across from the entrance to the nature reserve, a TRUMP 2024 FUCK YOUR FEELINGS flag hanging on a fence.
An unusual No Trespassing sign with a photo of a man in a white hat a white moustache holding a rifle that says:
some small print that begins with "This property is legally posted ...."
At the bottom.
2024-02-14 08:37:15

This has been replaced.
initial toot:…
2024-02-12 08:36:24

This has been replaced.
2024-02-14 08:37:15

This has been replaced.
initial toot:…
2024-01-30 05:49:18

A Note on Estimation of Multi-Sigmoidal Gompertz Functions with Random Noise
Patricia Romšn-Romšn, Juan José Serrano-Pérez, Francisco Torres-Ruiz